Here are some tasters of my ongoing projects. Please get in touch if you have any questions or want to know more!
Imagine coming across a lie about an individual or organization that has been revealed to be false. In everyday life, when we encounter a lie about a coworker, leader, or organization, we often already know other information about them. I show that when people know facts that are similar to the lie the condemn the lie and the liar less because the overarching message or gist of the lie is shared by what they believe is true.

Group Morality
Every day we read about unethical behavior by members of organizations and teams. How do we make moral judgments of a group like a board or top management team when we know that members of the team have acted unethically? I show that whether we are an insider or outsider and the number of members responsible and how these factors interact.

The Nature of Morality
The way in which we think about morality, how it is distributed and what it means can differ. How does our thinking about the nature of morality shape our behaviors and our own moral conduct?

Disability Inclusion
About a quarter of the adult population experiences a disability. How can we improve the working lives of people with disabilities and ensure that organizations meet their goals for inclusion? I investigate how organizations can most effectively communicate their commitment to people with disabilities.